5 risks that a company should be prepared for in the summer

Certain types of risks are accentuated during the summer, when the permanent personnel are on vacation and there are many summer workers at the workplaces or the offices are completely closed. Check out our experts' tip list for items that you should pay special attention to before leaving for the summer pastures.

Ville Partanen
Ville Partanen 
Managing Director Claims Link

1. Accidents and damages of summer employees

Lacking experience, summer workers are more prone to all kinds of accidents. In order to avoid additional damages, it is advisable to organize a thorough orientation for every summer worker, where issues related to occupational safety are also carefully reviewed.

It is also good to pay attention to protective measures, such as the right size work clothes. Providing the wrong type of protective equipment can be very expensive, for example in a liability damage situation.

2. Fraud and scams

In the summer, companies are exposed to various types of fraud and scams more than usual. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to processes and routines. Different contracts, invoices and other documents that require acknowledgment should be instructed to go through them very carefully. Also tell your summer employees and tour operators in advance what kind of scams you may have received in the past, and prepare procedures for phone calls that ask you to confirm "already agreed" contracts.

Cyber attacks also increase during the summer. Since new employees may not yet know the company's operating methods so well, they are much more vulnerable to computer viruses and denial-of-service attacks. It is important to go through how sensitive information is handled and how to act in a possible cyber attack situation during the orientation. We also recommend checking the company's cyber insurance coverage before going on vacation.

3.  Empty properties

Empty properties always increase the risk of burglary, vandalism and arson. That is why some insurance companies classify empty properties as risky properties, for which a separate notification must be made to the insurance company. If you have not filed a report, the insurance company may not consider the crime to be covered by the insurance.

The majority of burglaries take place at night. Garbage and larger loose objects around the property can act as temporary protection for a thief who wants to enter the property unnoticed. By keeping the outdoor spaces empty, clean and well lit, you prevent break-ins to your property.

4. Use of company equipment during holidays

If your personnel also use company equipment, such as mobile phones, in their free time, it is a good idea to check what is covered by the insurance coverage for the equipment. For example, many people travel during the summer vacation, which is not necessarily automatically included in the insurance coverage.

Personnel should be instructed in advance how to act in a theft situation. Since mobile phones and computers owned by companies almost always contain sensitive information, it is worth drawing up an action plan on how to prevent data leaks, both technically and with operational methods.

Please also go over the correct transport and storage of the company's equipment with your personnel. For example, you should never leave a laptop bag visible in a car in the Park - whether you are in Finland or abroad.

5. Fire hazard

Excess flammable materials and vegetation around the property significantly increase the risk of fire. That's why it's a good idea to clean the premises' yard before going on holiday. It is also worth checking the condition of the extinguishing equipment.

If the property is left empty, go through flammable and combustible items such as kitchen furniture, electrical cords, lighting equipment and other office supplies before you leave the property for the holiday. In most cases, insurance companies' protection guidelines specify measures that must be taken in order for compensation to be paid. It is worth reading the protection instructions.

At least remember these
  1. Review the handling and storage of hazardous substances so that they do not cause damage to employees or outsiders.
  2. Organize fire safety training, where you go through
    • the most likely sources of ignition in the workplace and their management and extinguishing
    • fire fighting equipment and their methods of use
    • evacuation protocol and use of any emergency notification system.
  3. Make sure that the personnel have operating instructions available for various crisis situations.

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