Tendering for occupational health care

Occupational health care in Finland usually involves two purchases: occupational health care services and staff insurance to supplement occupational health care services. We can help you find the occupational health solution that meets your needs at the best price.

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Cost savings

Tendering for occupational health services almost always results in cost savings. This is particularly likely to be the case if the same provider has been in place unchanged for many years.

Up-to-date occupational health

An occupational health care contract is often put in place at the start of a company's operations, after which it may remain the same for years. Most providers of occupational health services aim to offer their clients the most comprehensive services possible. However, these do not always reflect a reasonable level of cost or real need. This is why it is important to use an expert to determine the right level. Occupational health contracts should be regularly updated to reflect the changing needs of the company.


Extended occupational health care is often paid for through voluntary insurance. We ensure that insurance and occupational health care do not overlap. The part of the services that is not covered by your occupational health care contract is covered by your insurance. However, your personnel can easily do business at one address, because most insurers cooperate with occupational health providers for direct billing.

We optimise your occupational health care

The content of occupational health care and the provider should be analysed from time to time. However, comparisons can be challenging, as providers are made up of very different entities and have different models of cooperation. Furthermore, in Finland, services are highly concentrated, with an increasing number of small players joining the large health waste pools. Occupational health tendering helps to find the best services and prices.

We go through

  • Overlaps in contracts: many organisations now offer their staff very comprehensive insurance cover and sometimes it happens that the occupational health contract and the insurance pay for exactly the same things.
  • Pricing model: Some healthcare providers prefer more fixed-priced package deals, while others charge for each procedure on a per-service basis. Our HR consultants can help you determine which model is best for your organization.
  • Necessity and effectiveness: when it comes to occupational health services, it is also important to assess the necessity and effectiveness of the service. You don't want to pay for a service that doesn't actually improve the well-being of your employees, do you? Please note that we can also provide you with a written personal risk report if you wish.

We will ensure that a sufficient number of comparable offers are included in the tender and provide you with a written comparison. This will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each provider and how well the services meet your organisation's needs.

Request a quote 

This is how the tendering process works

  1. Analysis of occupational health

    We will review the current situation of occupational health services in your organisation and go through the results with you. You will be informed about how well the services meet your needs and how they compare to market prices. We will also highlight whether your organisation should put its occupational health services out to tender or finance some of them through insurance.

  2. Tendering for occupational health services

    If you decide to put occupational health services out to tender, we will obtain a sufficient number of comparable quotes on your behalf and provide a written comparison. We will give you a proposal on how to organise your occupational health care.

  3. Decision and changes to services

    We will present a comparison and make a recommendation on the most suitable occupational health provider for your organisation. It's up to you to make the decision. If you wish, we can take care of terminating old contracts, taking out new ones and obtaining new insurance cover for your staff's health.


Let's be in touch!

Would you like to learn more about our insurance brokerage services or receive a personalized quote for your business? Simply fill out the contact form with your details, and one of our experts will reach out to you shortly to discuss how we can assist you in securing the best insurance solutions for your organization.

Please note that insurance brokerage services are usually not cost-effective for start-up companies or organisations with a turnover of less than 1 MEUR. We do not offer insurance brokerage services to individuals.

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