D&O insurance
Directors and Officers (D&O) liability insurance is one of the most important types of business insurance. A good D&O policy provides peace of mind and protection for executives and board members. As an insurance management client of Söderberg & Partners, you can obtain one of the best D&O liability insurance policies in Finland.

Competitively tendered D&O insurance
One of the broadest D&O solutions on the market
We offer our clients one of the broadest management liability insurance solutions on the market through our pre-negotiated group solution.
The insurance is valid worldwide and also covers the CEOs of subsidiaries, both existing and newly established companies.
Unlike many other management liability insurances, our group solution covers defence costs during the legal process. The insurance also covers costs arising from regulatory investigations.
The claim notification period is unlimited, so it also covers directors who have resigned or retired.

A director or board position is a financial risk
A member of the board or management may be held personally liable for claims caused by negligence or ignorance.
This risk can be mitigated with comprehensive management liability insurance. When considering purchasing D&O insurance, it is advisable to check at least the following:
- Which directors are covered by the insurance
- Whether subsidiaries, as well as newly acquired and established companies, are included in the coverage
- Where the insurance is valid
- Whether defence costs are covered during the process or only afterwards
- Whether the insurance includes costs arising from regulatory investigations, PR and crisis management costs, personal liability for taxes, employment-related claims, environmental damage, personal and property damage, or share transactions
- The timeframe for reporting claims to the insurance company
- Whether there are any exclusion clauses in the insurance
It is important to carefully review the contents of the insurance when making a purchase, as there are various levels of management liability insurance available on the market.
The solution we offer to our insurance management clients is negotiated by experts and has a market-leading price-quality ratio.
D&O insurance is a business insurance
D&O insurance is business insurance
It’s important to note that management liability insurance is a business insurance. This means that it cannot be acquired personally by an individual leader.
The company benefits from this insurance in numerous ways. For instance, it ensures that your director, and consequently your company, won’t be incapacitated during a crisis. Instead, you can promptly hire the best experts to help resolve the situation.
Excellent employee benefit
D&O insurance can also be viewed as an employee benefit included in executive contracts, which top directors highly value and often require.
Outstanding insurance coverage not only retains but also attracts the best talent to your team.
The number of compensation claims has increased
Damage or negligence by the management or board of directors can impact the company, its shareholders, and external parties, such as creditors.
Claims can be statutory, contractual, or even criminal. The trend is that claims are increasingly being made by a wider range of parties.
The best D&O insurance covers expenses immediately
Legal proceedings are almost always lengthy and costly, regardless of whether negligence has actually occurred. Therefore, D&O insurance provides security even in situations where no negligence has taken place.
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